MEETINGS: For all evening talks doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start at The New Venue, “Ripley Village Hall”. Tea/coffee/wine available – Cash only.
OUTINGS are at the times stated.
Wednesday 8th November ‘The Bridge collapse at Millmead’ Talk by Chris Shaw
Find out more » Wednesday 10th January ‘Woking and Send Nurserymen’. An illustrated talk by David Rose Starting the New Year with one of our favourite speakers. For all evening talks doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start at Ripley Bowls Club in Rose Lane. Tea/coffee/wine available – Cash only.
Find out more »Wednesday February 14th‘Valentine Surprise Evening’ with light-hearted quiz. Come and learn more about the history of Valentine Cards and enjoy a glass of Prosecco For all evening talks doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start at Ripley Bowls Club in Rose Lane. Tea/coffee/wine available – Cash only.
Find out more » Wednesday 13th March AGM. Members only.Please Note 7.30 start time Cheese and wine followed by new local films –including previously unseenfootage For all evening talks doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start at Ripley Bowls Club in Rose Lane. Tea/coffee/wine available – Cash only.
Find out more »Wednesday 10th April. ‘The Pilgrims Way’ film by Circle 8 1000 years of history, legend and folklore associated with the ancient pilgrim’s route from Winchester to Canterbury, as revealed to a side of Morrismen strutting and jingling their stuff across Hampshire, Surrey and Kent on a charity marathon. For all evening talks doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start at Ripley Bowls Club in Rose Lane. Tea/coffee/wine available – Cash only.
Find out more »Tuesday 21st May14:00 Outing to Horsley Towers. Formerly home of Lord Lovelace now a De Vere hotel –details to follow
Find out more »Tuesday June 11th Outing to High Clandon Vineyard–Come and discover how Sibylla and Bruce Tindale developed their award winning vineyard - details to follow
Find out more »Wednesday 11th September‘Tillingbourne Tales’. An illustrated talk by Anne Sassin For all evening talks doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start at Ripley Bowls Club in Rose Lane. Tea/coffee/wine available – Cash only.
Find out more »Wednesday 9th October. ‘Literary Mole Valley’ An illustrated talk by Kathy Atherton featuring local writers and Mole Valley in fiction: Jane Austen, EM Forster, Fanny Burney, John Evelyn, Daniel Defoe and Charles Dickens For all evening talks doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start at Ripley Village Hall. Tea/coffee/wine available – Cash only.
Find out more »Wednesday 13th November ‘William Harvey –The Ladieswear Specialist.An Illustrated Talk by Nick Bale For all evening talks doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start at Ripley Village Hall. Tea/coffee/wine available – Cash only.
Find out more »