Fire! Fire!

Fire! Fire! Send and Ripley Fire Brigades
Ripley museum, Next to Ripley Village Hall,GU23 6AF
We have a new exhibition entitled Fire! Fire! relating to local fire brigades and featuring some original artefacts, including a splendid helmet.
We are also participating in Surrey Museums’ Month, which despite its name, runs until September! Visitors can pick up a leaflet, featuring the museums of Surrey (including ours) and collect stickers when they spot the featured artefact. The theme of the trail is TREES and our artefact is a wooden ‘shoe’. This was found in the attic of a house in Potters Lane and is part of a game called Knur and Spell. Not only can visitors collect their sticker but have a go playing a reproduction of the game. Participants with the most stickers at the end of the summer will be invited to a special tea at the History Centre
When: FROM APRIL 23rd TO AUGUST 2016
Time: 10—12.30
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