To search the journals using the Index first download the Word document. Then follow these instructions:

  1. open the WORD document
  2. at the top right hand corner of the document there is a box with a magnifying glass symbol and the words ‘Search in Document’. This is where you enter what you are searching for. 
  3. Let’s say you want to research the church in Ripley. You have a number of options and may want to try all of them: I’d start with ‘Mary’ as the search function will recognise part of a word – so you don’t need to write St Mary’s. It doesn’t care about capital letters either. But the index might just say ‘Church, Ripley’ so you may need to try that and ‘Ripley’ too – though ‘Ripley’ will give you far too many results. You could try ‘pews’ or ‘stained glass’ etc etc. You have to be imaginative.

Then return to the website to access the information in the journals:

The most recent article is in Journal 263, pp 12-14. We abbreviate that to 263/12-14. To find it:

  1. Go to our website https://sendandripleyhistorysociety.co.uk/
  2. click Journals at the top
  3. then within the drop-down box hover over Journal Archives – a further box appears to the right with a series of dates. you need to hover over these to see the number of the journals within each batch. If you hover over the last one you’ll find a final box offering several batches, with their numbers. You’ll see that J263 is within the last batch (258 – 263). Single click on that and the six journals in that batch will appear.
  4. You have to work out for yourself that 263 is the 6th of these.
  5. Double click on the image then use the arrows on the side to get to page 12, 13, 14
  6. Once you are finished single click the X at the top right to get back to your batch (258-263)
  7. To look for another batch go back to the home page and start the process again.

