Publications Shop

The Society has a number of publications for sale, each one charting a part of the history of Send and Ripley. To order a publication you can either pay online or you can download our order form and send it to us.

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  • Send & Ripley Walks

    !!Latest Book!!

    Title: Bygone Days

    Cover photo: attached

    Spec: 176 pages; A5 landscape paperback

    Price £9.99

    UK p&p: £3.50

    Bygone Days has been a labour of love for the Send & Ripley History Society. It is a distillation of many interviews with residents of Send and Ripley – most of them elderly – starting in the 1970s and continuing over the subsequent thirty years. The tape recordings were transcribed in note form and have been newly edited for use in this publication. The original, unedited transcripts of the interviews and most of the recordings have been preserved for future researchers.

    Many of the anecdotes recounted here are pre-war or even pre First World War and are illustrated from the Society’s collection of over 6,000 photographs.

    The original interviews were recorded and transcribed by Jane Bartlett and other members of the Society and edited for this publication by Clare McCann.

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    • Send & Ripley Walks
    • for sale at £5 with £2.50 postage  for UK sales and £4.50 outside UK.

      This is a beautifully illustrated catalogue/booklet about local artist Frank Brown which sets out his career from growing up in Rose Lane, Ripley to going to the Royal Grammar School and on to the Slade School of Fine Art. It explores some of the themes of his art, such as music, sport and history as well as his local works – paintings of his village and the people living in it. Frank now lives on the Isle of Bute.

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      • Send & Ripley Walks
      • Heroes All a fully illustrated and comprehensive book about the involvement, both home and abroad, of the people of Send and Ripley in World War 1.

        Price £20 plus £5 postage.

        Over the past five years or so a small team of members of the Send & Ripley History Society has been collaborating to produce an exhaustive, illustrated book on Send and Ripley in WWI. The contents are wide-ranging, offering an extremely detailed study of all aspects of the war as it affected our two villages. This book, at almost 400 pages, is the biggest and most thorough local history project the society has ever undertaken. 

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        • Sir Anthony Browne 1487-1548
        • Surrey People : Sir Anthony Browne 1487-1548 and Sir Anthony Browne 1526-1592 First Viscount Montague, Statesmen, Courtiers and Catholic Lords of the Manor of Send and Ripley



        • Send & Ripley Walks

          The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalen Ripley, Surrey’ by K H Bourne.

          Covers the earliest church building which predates the priory.

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          • Send & Ripley Walks
          • Florence Desmond Entertainer, cover attached. Price £5 plus £1.50 postage.

            • (Not a Society publication)

            “Over a cobbler’s shop in Islington life began for Florrie Dawson. She became known throughout the world as Florence Desmond, the entertainer. In the 60s, Miss Desmond successfully masterminded Guildford St Luke’s Hospital, Betatron Appeal. In 1993, she died and is still remembered with great affection.”

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            • Send & Ripley Walks
            • Send & Ripley Walks – 10 Circular Walks with historical notes illustrations

              £5.00 (plus £1.50 shipping)
              The walks all start and finish within Send or Ripley parishes but some do spill over into neighbouring parishes.

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              • 'The Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin Send

                ‘The Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin Send, Surrey’ by Send History Society

                £1.00 (plus £1.50 shipping)
                A small but comprehensive illustrated guide to the early 13th century parish church of Send, at one time under the patronage of Newark Priory and until 1878 the mother church of Ripley Chapel. The church possesses a fine mediaeval ‘dugout’ chest and some good 19/20th century stained glass windows. It has a ‘low-side’ window in the chancel and a 15th century rood screen divides the chancel from the wide, aisle-less nave of the same period. These and many other artefacts and architectural features are fully described. There is also a list of ‘Church Goodes’ for 1552 with explanatory notes, a glossary, bibliography and chronicle.

                Published 1980

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              • Memories of War by Send and Ripley History Society

                ‘Memories of War’ book + map by Send and Ripley History Society

                £7.00 (plus £2.50 shipping)
                Local people and evacuees recount their memories of life in Send and Ripley during World War II.

                Published 2009. ISBN 978-0-9562929-0-2
                If you wish to buy the book without the map or the map separately, please click following links:
                Buy ‘Memories of War’ – book only
                Buy ‘Memories of War’ – map only

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              • Memories of War by Send and Ripley History Society

                Map only for the ‘Memories of War’ by Send and Ripley History Society

                £2.50 (plus £1.00 shipping)
                Map only

                If you wish to buy the book with the map or the book separately, please click following links:

                Buy ‘Memories of War’ – book only</span
                Buy ‘Memories of War’ – book + Map

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              • Looking Back - Surrey Village Life & its People 1890s-1940s

                ‘Looking Back – Surrey Village Life & its People 1890s-1940s’ by Jane and John Bartlett

                £9.00 (plus £2.50 shipping)
                A companion publication to Then And Now – The Changing Scene of Surrey Village Life. This book attempts to capture, also with photographs, some sense of the enormous changes that took place in the environment and he way people lived from the 1890s to the 1940s as experienced or remembered by our parents and grandparents. The recollections draw upon the memories of many inhabitants of Send and Ripley supported by unique photographs from their family albums.

                Published 1987. ISBN 978 0 9509961 2 2
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              • Pubs - An Historical Pub Crawl in Words and Pictures

                ‘Ripley and Send – An Historical Pub Crawl in Words and Pictures’ revised by Cameron Brown (2017)

                £5.00 (plus £2.50 shipping)
                A substantial revision of the1998 book, compiled by Jane Bartlett & Clare McCann. As the title implies, this book takes the reader on a tour of the local pubs in the villages of Send and Ripley. Besides a brief history of brewing and brewers, there is lots of information and new photographs on local inns and public houses, past and present. If the reader is seeking history with refreshment this book should not fail to satisfy on both counts.

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              • Then And Now - A Victorian Walk Around Ripley

                ‘Then And Now – A Victorian Walk Around Ripley’ by Tony and Patricia Medlen and Derek Bromley

                £2.50 (plus £1.50 shipping)
                An account by A J Munby, poet, barrister and diarist, of his first visit to Ripley and its environs in 1863. Reproduced are extracts from his diaries detailing what he then saw and experienced. The entries are commented upon and compared with today (1983). Illustrated with pictures of places and buildings, some as seen and many as described by Munby. Includes other comparative data such as details of trades and professions taken from the 1861 census of Ripley plus a modern wild flower survey. A fascinating book to accompany the reader on a very pleasant walk in and around the village.

                First published 1983, 4th reprint 2008
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              • Newark Mill Ripley Surrey

                ‘Newark Mill Ripley Surrey’ by Bob Gale

                £4.00 (plus £1.50 shipping)
                Until destroyed by fire in 1966, the 17th century Newark Mill was an imposing landmark on the River Wey close by Newark Priory. A mill had stood on this site since Anglo-Saxon times and its destruction, never to be rebuilt, was then, and still remains a great loss architecturally and historically. Containing information on water mills in general, this book is an important record of the history of Newark Mill in particular. It is liberally illustrated with detail drawings, maps and old photographs and also contains a list of millers from 1530 up to 1942.

                Published 1991. ISBN 978 0 9509961 4 9
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              • Newark Prior - Ripley's Romantic Ruin

                ‘Newark Priory – Ripley’s Romantic Ruin’ by Send and Ripley History Society

                £6.00 including church guide(plus £2.50 shipping)
                The Society’s latest publication. Ripley’s Romantic Ruin, tries to give some background to The Augustinian order, the history of the Priory itself and its demise, as well as various archaeological investigations of the site. It concludes with consideration of how the ruin of the building has inspired artists and writers.

                Buy ‘Newark Priory’ – book only
                Buy ‘Newark Priory’ – Church Guide
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              • The Straight Furrow - Some Memoirs of A Surrey Village Schoolmaster

                ‘The Straight Furrow – Some Memoirs of A Surrey Village Schoolmaster 1936-61’ by Fred Dixon

                £1.00 (plus £1.50 shipping)
                Fred Dixon was headmaster of Ripley C of E School for 25 years. His memoirs are the personal recollections of a determined and purposeful man, who cared deeply for the children he taught. He vowed from the start to ‘plough a straight furrow’ to steadfastly improve the conditions in the school for his pupils. This record provides an absorbing insight into his struggle with established forces in education and village life during a period of great social change just prior to, during and after the 1939/45 war.

                Published 1986. ISBN 978 0 9509961 1 4

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              • Then And Now -The Changing Scene of Surrey Village Life

                ‘Then And Now -The Changing Scene of Surrey Village Life’

                £10.00 (plus £2.50 shipping)
                A collection of old and new photographs portraying the historic parishes of Send and Ripley with notes on the people and places depicted. The result, which should appeal to residents and visitors alike, is a fascinating study of the changing scenes within these two villages over the past hundred years or so.

                First published 1984, (3rd reprint). ISBN 978 0 9509961 0 6.
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              • The Hamlet of Grove Heath

                ‘The Hamlet of Grove Heath’ by Bette and John Slatford

                £4.00 (plus £1.50 shipping)
                Within the parish of Ripley, the Grove Heath area is an unusually close grouping of mainly farm workers’ cottages of 17th and 19th Century origins. This booklet sets out to record from available records much of the history of these houses and the families that lived in them. The result is a fascinating booklet, full of information of value to the family and local historian and gives a unique glimpse into a past now vanished.

                Published 1997. ISBN 978 0 9509961 5 7
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              • The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalen Ripley, Surrey

                ‘The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalen Ripley, Surrey’ by K H Bourne

                £2.00 (plus £1.50 shipping)
                A guide to Ripley’s ancient church, with its late 12th century chancel constructed to an unusually high standard (for a small chapel). Predating the Augustinian Priory nearby by 35 years, did the Augustinians build it? Did they construct a nave at the same time? The author in this scholarly and well illustrated guide attempts to answer these and other questions and explains in some detail the architectural features of the early nave and the subsequent work of Victorian architect Benjamin Ferrey who replaced it in 1845/6 with a neo-gothic structure. For the first time the excellent Victorian stained glass windows are described and attributed. This guide is written to enable the main features to be seen and appreciated readily whilst providing plenty of detail and references for further study by all who are interested in the history of ancient churches.

                Published 2002. ISBN 978 0 9509961 7 3
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              • Two Surrey Village Schools

                ‘Two Surrey Village Schools – The story of Send and Ripley Village Schools’ by Sheila Brown and David Porter

                £10.00 (plus £2.50 shipping)
                The story of the first ‘National’ schools and their subsequent development in two Surrey villages. Ripley School, built in 1847 and Send School built in 1854, each to provide elementary education for all children especially those from the poorest families. This book is a mine of information illustrating the enormous social changes that took place in village and school life over a period of a hundred or more years. Includes many unique drawings and old photographs, also lists of teachers and pupils at each school. It is a valuable social document meticulously researched and attractively presented. A ‘must-have’ book especially for anyone who was, or is, connected with either of these schools or villages.(New names have been added to the pupil lists for this book which were not available at the time of printing. If you have purchased this book then please click here to see the latest list).

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                Latest Pupil List

              • A Walk About Ripley Village

                ‘A Walk About Ripley Village’ by John and Bette Slatford and Les Bowerman. Illustrations by Ray Davies

                £2.50 (plus £1.50 shipping)
                This is the essential guide and companion to an interesting and informative walk about this charming village with its timber-framed and Georgian fronted buildings.

                Ripley – a natural stopping place for travellers on the London to Portsmouth road since mediaeval times and a cyclists ‘Mecca’ in the 19th century has a fascinating history to tell in its buildings. Within this small book are packed many facts and stories about their past, to inform residents and visitors alike. It also contains a handy map of the village and many illustrations of prominent buildings.

                Published 1990. ISBN 978 0 9509961 3 0
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              • Delivery charges

                If you live within Send or Ripley, please contact us as postage and packaging is free as your goods are delivered by foot.

                Postage and Packing costs – as shown but this is for UK mainland only.For international shipping, please contact the society directly and we will calculate a shipping price for you – click here to contact us

                Ordering multiple books? – please contact the society for postage and packaging discounts – click here to contact us
